What We're
Thinking About


Brent Jaster, MD, FAAFP
My most valuable education comes from my two children. I love being an integrally involved father. My kids teach me bottomless love, balance, patience, and compassion, remind me what matters most, and encourage me to continually grow and evolve into the best man, father, and citizen possible. Raised in Colorado, matured in Northern California, and schooled at the University of California Davis (and Melbourne University, Australia), Dartmouth Medical School, and the University of Colorado Family Medicine Residency, I enjoy sunshine, travel, and experiencing new people and cultures. I love to laugh and cherish the moments that BIG laughter accompanies life and requires wiping tears from my eyes. I move my body often on a yoga mat, mountain bike, ski hill, or dance floor. Every piece of ground is an opportunity to dance!
I love to listen to music, and will wear a costume any chance I get. An open-minded, passionate, and creative physician, I believe in a multifaceted approach to your well-being and health — physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental. I will work with you to prevent and reverse disease, improve undesirable symptoms, and decrease your medication use. Together we will develop better awareness about your health choices, while incorporating a more positive attitude and approach to life.
My Medical training and career highlights include:
Volunteering on Patch Adams’s land in West Virginia during medical school
Coordinating a clinical trial, published in Diabetes Care, that compared a vegan diet and an American Diabetes Association diet. Guess which was superior?
Co-authoring 2 editions of the Nutrition Guide for Clinicians. Access the free on-line version at NutritionMD.org
Board Certifications: Integrative Holistic Medicine and Family Medicine
Nationally-recognized expertise as a speaker and consultant for Shared Medical Appointment implementation. JasterHealth.com
I look for opportunities to connect to life every day–rescuing a wandering dog, talking to cashiers, relating to children, building community, and reaching out when someone is struggling. Increased isolation in our society is a root cause of our declining collective health, in my opinion. In addition to our increasing disconnection from nature.
My passion to change the landscape of health and medicine is palpable, and I welcome kindred spirits on this creative journey.